
Your brand identity from the leader in B2B lead generation

Whether in B2C or B2B, a brand is now much more than a logo. Branding is the identity of a company. Branding is about making a promise, setting an expectation, and creating a positive perception of your product and/or service. It also represents a consistent value system and approach to doing things that a company presents to the outside world.  B2C or B2B, is now much more than a logo. Branding is the identity of a company. Branding is about making a promise, setting an expectation and creating a perception of your product and/or service. Furthermore, it represents a consistent value system that a company presents to the outside world and that is perceived as its way of doing things. 

Creation of a B2B brand

The brand name (and everything associated with it) is a calling card for all that you offer. Product quality, delivery reliability, and value for money are all ingrained in the perception of this brand. The product quality, the delivery reliability, the price-performance ratio are all anchored in the perception of this brand.

Convincing B2B brand strategy

Branding is about finding out who you are, polishing your image, and wrapping words and images around it in order to reveal your true brand personality. You can then add that visual and verbal personality to everything you do.

B2B branding breaks new ground

Trade fairs and events are losing their relevance in B2B branding. A unique corporate identity, a high-performance website with value-adding content, and a professional and active presence in B2B networks such as LinkedIn and Xing are now the gold standard for professional B2B branding.  ContentThe professional and active presence in B2B networks, such as LinkedIn and Xing, is now standard for professional B2B branding. 

b2b branding icon Invictus



Hannah Wander


Invictus Lead Generation GmbH
Franz-Ehrlich-Straße 12
12489 Berlin

030 311 69 89 0